Knee Restoration

Knee Restoration Program

Knee Pain is a common complaint that can affect people of all ages. Knee Pain can be the result of an injury or develop due to poor function patterns.

Every individual knee is unique. Dr. Hamling performs a detailed evaluation on all aspects of how your knee functions to determine the cause of your pain and the best approach for treatment.

Thanks to our unique treatment approach with no surgery, drugs, or injections, we are able to improve the function of your knee, which ultimately leads to less or no pain!

Does it really work?

You are not alone and you are not the first. Dr. Hamling has helped hundreds of patients, just like you, who have experienced excellent results with our Knee Restoration Program.

100% of the patients that we can help will notice relief IMMEDIATELY after their first treatment.

The only way we know if we can help you is to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Hamling.

How does it work?

In order to treat a Knee there are four main aspects that must addressed. By doing so, not only will you leave with a Knee that feels better, but actually IS better!

No Drugs – No Injections – No Surgery

  • Improve Joint Alignment

  • Improve Muscle Strength

  • Improve Cartilage Hydration

  • Increase Blood Flow