$79 New Patient Special

If Your Hands, Arms, Feet, or Legs Are Numb… If You Feel Shooting or Burning Pain or an Electric Sensation...
YOU ARE AT RISK! Don't Let Creeping Nerve Death Ruin Your Life

Book An Appointment

At Accelerated Chiropractic & Natural Healing Center, LLC, we provide the highest quality service and care to all of our patients. Use the form below to request your appointment. Please note that we will reach out to you first to confirm your appointment or to provide you with an alternative date. Thank you!​​​​​​​

New Neuropathy Patient Form

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As a part of this $79 New Patient Special, you will receive the following at your appointment at Accelerated Chiropractic and Natural Healing Center.

  • Consultation: A conversation with one of our doctors about your health history, pain history and your goals to see if you are a QUALIFYING candidate for the neuropathy program.
  • Evaluation: A COMPLETE 24-point neuropathy sensitivity exam to determine the extent of your nerve damage.
  • Doctor’s Report of Findings: Together with you and your spouse, the doctor will go over the findings and explain in detail the various treatment options and determine the best care plan for you.

Check Out Some Of Our Neuropathy Patients Testimonials!

Understanding and Treating Peripheral Neuropathy

Recognizing the Signs of Peripheral Neuropathy

If you experience numbness or tingling in your hands, arms, legs, or feet, or if you feel shooting or burning pain, this is important. Please read this carefully.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy, also known as "Creeping Nerve Death," can damage the nerves, cells, and muscles in your arms, legs, hands, and feet. This condition can cause severe pain and take away your ability to enjoy life. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the small blood vessels in the hands, arms, feet, or legs become diseased, causing tiny nerves that keep the cells and muscles working properly to shrivel up and die.

Early Warning Symptoms

Early-warning symptoms include:

  • Tingling and numbness
  • Mild loss of feeling in your hands, arms, legs, or feet
  • Inability to feel your feet, increasing your risk of foot injury and falling
Advanced Warning Signs

As the condition progresses, you might notice more severe symptoms:
More advanced symptoms include:

  • Loss of coordination and dexterity, which increases the risk of accidents
  • Inability to feel clothing like socks or gloves
  • Painful muscle cramps and leg spasms that disrupt your sleep and activities
  • High risk of falling, making walking dangerous and increasing dependence on others
  • Burning sensations in your arms, legs, hands, or feet that can become severe
Consequences of Ignoring Early Signs

Ignoring these early warning signs can lead to progressive nerve damage, muscle wasting, severe pain, and loss of balance. This can result in a lot of time spent at home, wishing you didn't hurt.

Without treatment, this can become a downward spiral. Nerve damage causes cell damage, and cell damage speeds up nerve degeneration. Mild symptoms can intensify into burning pain and constant discomfort.

Understanding the Cause and Progression of Nerve Damage

Peripheral neuropathy is a serious condition that affects the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. These nerves carry information to and from the brain to the rest of the body. When these nerves are damaged, it disrupts this communication, leading to symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain. The condition can be caused by various factors, including diabetes, infections, injuries, and exposure to toxins.

Pain and Its Impact on Daily Life

One of the most alarming aspects of peripheral neuropathy is how quickly it can progress if left untreated. Initially, you may experience mild tingling or a slight loss of feeling. Over time, this can develop into severe pain, muscle weakness, and a significant loss of coordination. Everyday tasks that once seemed simple can become incredibly challenging and even dangerous.

The pain associated with peripheral neuropathy can vary from person to person. Some may experience a constant burning sensation, while others might feel sharp, shooting pains. This pain can be debilitating and interfere with daily activities, making it difficult to work, exercise, or even enjoy leisure activities. The lack of sensation can also lead to injuries, as you may not notice cuts, blisters, or other wounds, especially on your feet. These unnoticed injuries can become infected, leading to further complications.

Increased Risk of Falls and Injuries

Another concern with peripheral neuropathy is the increased risk of falls. As your balance and coordination deteriorate, walking can become hazardous. Falls can lead to broken bones, head injuries, and other serious health issues, particularly in older adults. The fear of falling can also cause anxiety and a reluctance to engage in physical activities, further diminishing your quality of life.

Importance of Early Treatment

If you have early warning signs of peripheral neuropathy, it’s CRITICAL you get proper treatment. With proper treatment, symptoms can often be reversed. Without it, you are taking a big risk with your health. Once nerve loss reaches 85%, there may be nothing a doctor can do to help.

Common Treatments and Their Limitations

The most common method your doctor may recommend to treat neuropathy is prescription drugs like Gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Neurontin. However, these drugs only manage pain; they do not restore healthy nerve function. Pain pills do not heal damaged nerves and dying cells. They just mask the pain while the nerves continue to degenerate, and cells and muscles continue to die. Taking endless drugs and suffering terrible side effects that may damage your liver and kidneys and create even more problems is not a reasonable path.